Viola Essential Oil - Tea Tree 12ml



Description: 100% pure Essential Oil of Tea Tree (melaleuca alternifolia)

Packaged in dark glass to protect oil from deterioration with a dripulator plug to alow for dispensing by the drop.

Uses: Inhalation and baths. Tea Tree Oil can be used to kill fleas on pets but is more commonly used as a deodoriser and antiseptic . Great in a footbath. Dab on cold sores. Diluted in water, it can be used as a mouthwash (not swallowed) to sooth ulcers.

Therapeutic effects: A strong disinfectant and antiseptic,it is ideal for skin complaints including athlete's foot, burns, acne, sores, mouth ulcers, thrush and warts. Also effective for many respiratory complaints.

Origins: Discovered centuries ago by the Aborigines in Australia who used it medicinally for treating sunburn and many bacterial/fungal infections, from ringworm to athlete's foot.

We only stock cold pressed or steam extracted essential oils -(never solvent extracted)

Cautionary Note: NEVER apply pure essential oil directly to the skin. Avoid mucus membranes (eyes/nose/mouth). Always consult with a Qualified Medical or Natural Therapy Practitioner before using essential oils for medicinal purposes.