Artemis ViroGone Spray 50ml


SKU: 9421902727740

Rapid immune defenceSupport for ills and chillsTargeted and fast actingImmune boost on the go


ViroGone Spray provides rapid immune defence and daily immunity build on-the-go, with powerful plant support for ills & chills. The hero ingredients in this potent plant formula include ThymeMed, our scientifically researched exclusive fresh plant extract made from Central Otago Thyme, with Echinacea, known to support the immune system for the times when its under attack or at increased risk.

hymus vulgaris herba et flos (Thyme) tinc. equiv. fresh herb and flower 45mgEchinacea purpurea (Echinacea) tinc. equiv. fresh whole plant 37mgOlea europea herba (Olive leaf) tinc. equiv. fresh herb 32mgGlycyrrhiza glabra radix (Licorice) tinc. equiv. dry root 30mgSilybum marianum semen (St. Mary's Thistle) tinc. equiv. dry seed 27mgSalvia officinalis herba (Sage) tinc. equiv. fresh herb 20mgAngelica archangelica radix (Angelica) tinc. equiv. fresh root 7mgCitrus limon oleum (Lemon oil) 2.5mclPicea aetheroleum (Fir needle oil) 1.8mcl

  • Also contains ethanol, non-palm vegetable glycerine

  • No artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners or preservatives. No added sugar. No honey. Gluten and dairy free.

  • Non GMO. Vegan. Hypoallergenic.

ANGELICAAngelica root (Angelica archangelica) supports mucus clearance from the lungs and airways and plays a role in supporting immunity.

ECHINACEAEchinacea (Echinacea purpurea) supports the activity of the immune system and the body’s defences.

FIR NEEDLE OILFir Needle Oil (Picea aether) contains potent volatile constituents to support immune response.

LEMON OILLemon Oil (Citrus limon oleum) supports the body's immune defences and helps to soothe mucous membranes in the mouth and throat.

LICORICELicorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) supports respiratory health by supporting mucus clearance from the lungs and airways and relaxing of the bronchial muscles.

OLIVE LEAFOlive Leaf (Olea europea) is high in antioxidants and supports heart function when the body is under stress.

SAGESage (Salvia officinalis) soothes mucous membranes in the nose, throat and chest.

ST MARY'S THISTLESt Mary’s Thistle (Silybum marianum) is used to support normal healthy metabolism, digestion and detoxification when the body is under stress.

THYMEThyme (Thymus vulgaris) provides powerful natural support for the body's immune defences and respiratory system, which includes helping to clear mucus from lungs and airways. ThymeMed is Artemis' exclusive plant extract made from Central Otago Thyme.