NaturoPharm FevaMed Alcohol Free Spray 10mL


SKU: 9414248253585

DESCRIPTIONDosage:Acute: Use 2 sprays per dose orally at 10 minute intervals for up to 6 doses (if required) then 4 hourly as required. Chronic: Use 2 sprays per dose orally 3 times a day as required.

Description:Naturo Pharm Fevamed Relief supports the body's response to temperature imbalances. It is available in easy-to-use oral spray form.

Please note that fevers are usually a sign that the body is readying itself to fight an infection, however in young babies there are some things to check before attributing the problem to fever. Too many clothes, too much bedding, warm weather or room heating may be the cause of overheating.

Give child/baby regular cool drinks and bathe in tepid bath if necessary.

If the condition persists, consult your healthcare professional immediately.

Benefits:Temperature balanceHeat and chill stagesSupport against restlessness associated temperature imbalanceSupports the immune system INGREDIENTSActive Ingredients:Aconite 24xArsenicum Album 60xBelladonna 30cEchinacea 24x

Inactive Ingredients:Purified waterGlycerine

CAUTIONSReduce frequency if symptoms improve and stop use if symptoms are alleviated. Equally, if symptoms persist or worsen, stop taking the remedy immediately and consult your healthcare professional.